In general, needy Africans are day-to-day thinkers. Each day, their focus is on meeting basic needs, (e.g. how to eat, how to obtain clean drinking water, etc.) For most, no time or energy is spent on mid or long-term thinking.
The goal of Sankofa's international agenda is to renew the minds of needy Africans living in Africa so they can first, become self sustaining, and second, become givers to others. Step 1 is to assist needy Africans with meeting basic needs (e.g. food, shelter, clothing, clean water, etc.) This establishes the bonds and builds the trust relationships between Sankofa and needy Africans so they are receptive to Sankofa's word. Step 2 is replacing old information, in the minds of the Africans, with new information, anchored to God's word. This is accomplished by conducting life-changing workshops covering a wide range of topics (e.g. unconditional love, problem solving, decision making, money management, teamwork, strategic planning, effective communication, and lots more.) Information, provided in workshops, is anchored to God's word. Therefore, Africans learn the Word and how to apply it to their day-to-day lives. With daily needs met and a renewed mind, the needy African is more than self-sustaining. They become Sankofa ambassadors helping to free their brothers and sisters trapped in poverty. |