Sankofa is approached, on a regular basis, by individuals and groups representing African nations. Their primary interest is for Sankofa to visit their nations and identify ways to help the needy. Also, there are times when Sankofa decides, on its own, to visit an African nation to conduct a needs assessment, plan a group trip, etc. These are exploratory trips.
After the exploratory trips, Sankofa utilizes its Strategic Project Management Guide to determine next steps, if any. There can be no deviation from this guide. The guide specifically covers types of projects, actions items required by the host nation, action items required by Sankofa, time limitations, costs, and lots more.
To date, the guide has been applied to Ghana, Kenya, Tanzania, Sierra Leone, and Nigeria.
The continent of Africa is vast and the needs are enormous. Sankofa, by the grace of God, will continue its mission to enhance the lives of all Africans living in Africa. It is important to learn about the rich heritage and knowledge that Africa has to offer. For this reason we have provided links to the majority of the African nations so that you may enhance your African knowledge. |