Benedicta Minlah, Sankofa Scholarship Recipient
In December 2017, Benedicta Minlah, Sankofa scholarship recipient, successfully completed all requirements for a Masters Degree from the University of Ghana, with a major in Project Management. In mid-January 2018, Benedicta, along with other students from the University of Ghana, travelled to the USA to attend several business conferences at major universities, which included but was not limited to, Yale, Temple, and Howard.
On January 25, after her conference at Howard University, Benedicta was given the opportunity to leave her group and spend the evening at the home of Richard Willis, Sankofa President and CEO. Sankofa family members and friends were given the opportunity to stop by to greet Benedicta, take photos, and spend time in fun and fellowship. The following morning, Richard drove Benedicta to Philadelphia where she connected back with her group.
An Evening of Elegance 30th Anniversary Dinner Dance
April 13, 2018
Sankofa was given the opportunity to serve as a vendor at An Evening of Elegance 30th Anniversary Dinner Dance sponsored by the National Coalition of 100 Black Women (Prince Georges County Chapter). The event was held at Martins Crosswinds in Greenbelt, Maryland

Updated 2018!
Order Your Book
When My Feet Touched The Ground - A Matriarchs Prophecy By Richard C. Willis.
Click here for more information.
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May 8, 2018
Sankofa will serve as a vendor at the Victoria Park Apartments in Waldorf, Maryland, as part of their Mothers Day Celebration, sponsored by Elder Debra Caldwell.

Benedicta Minlah will graduate from the University of Ghana
On July 21, 2018, Benedicta Minlah, Sankofa scholarship recipient, will graduate from the University of Ghana with a Masters Degree in Project Management. Richard Willis will be in attendance, representing Sankofa.

Life-changing Journey to Ghana.
October 1-12, 2018
Sankofa will conduct its 10th group life-changing journey to Ghana. This trip is closed.
Future trips are scheduled for September 2019 (Open), March 2020 (Open), and September 2020 (Closed).
For more details on life-changing journeys, contact Richard Willis:
Email: modelvillage@sankofaintl.org
Telephone: 202.257.4364 .
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Sankofa Cares Chop Bar
October 2018
Sankofa will launch Sankofa Cares Chop Bar, a feeding center for needy children in the village of Alogboshie, Accra-Ghana. Children will be fed breakfast and dinner daily.
Sankofa needs to raise $35,000 to renovate the facility. To learn more about the program and make a donation, Click here.
We Need Your Help!
Helping Hands - Touching Hearts Program
Sankofa has launched a new program that will assist us in continuing the works that have changed so many lives. Your small annual tax deductible donation will enable us to offset the cost associated with providing opportunities to those who might not otherwise have access to the basic needs we all have been afforded.
We thank you in advance for your support and may God continue to bless you.
Click here for more information...