The mission of Sankofa International, Inc. (Sankofa), in part, is to assist needy Africans with becoming self sustaining. To successfully accomplish this goal, Sankofa took on the challenge to slowly and methodically change the way they think. It was critical to get needy Africans to understand that poverty was directly related to how one thinks and has nothing to do with the amount of money one has in his or her pocket.
The initial major challenge was directly related to instilling a strong sense of trust in the Africans towards Sankofa. There is no chance for long-term gain without first destroying this barrier. Travelling to Africa several times each year, it took approximately ten years to accomplish this, hinting at needed changes to make a positive difference. With a strong sense of trust, Sankofa was then able to tactfully attack poverty related cultural conditioning without offending the powers that be.
In 2006, Sankofa began conducting workshops on a variety of life-management topics. The topics included, but were not limited to, decision making, money management, strategic planning, health management, discrimination, business planning, effective communication, family planning, education, HIV/AIDS education, honesty and integrity, and lots more. All workshops use the Word of God as the foundation. The Africans have embraced the workshops and are slowly, but surely, changing their decision making processes.
In 2008, Sankofa began establishing official committees throughout Ghana to be trained. In time, these committee members will be certified by Sankofa to conduct training. |
In 2009, Chief Nii Kuma from the Greater Accra Region, in Ghana, donated land to Sankofa to be used for a future training and development center, to help needy youth in Achimota and other surrounding villages. Training programs will include, but not be limited to, hair, catering, sewing, and computers. |