Sankofa's domestic agenda includes using our hands on knowledge and experiences to enhance Africa awareness and interaction. Short term, this is accomplished by conducting an educational and entertaining introductory workshop for schools, churches, organizations, etc. The target audience is individuals, 5 years of age and older.
Briefly, the workshop:
- provides an overview of Africa's richness
- discusses on a limited basis child suffering in Africa
- discusses on a limited basis financial aid to Africa
- discusses Sankofa's role with helping Africa's needy
- and more...
For those in the D.C. metropolitan area, this is a free ninety minute workshop, excluding questions and answers. Donations are appreciated. For those outside the D.C. metropolitan area, travel and related expenses may be required. Upon completion, those interested have the opportunity to participate in advanced workshops, life-changing group trips to Africa, and more. |
Initially, the introductory workshop was to be conducted during Black History Month only. However, the demand is such that Sankofa has made the decision to offer it year-round. If you would like to take advantage of this tremendous opportunity or have questions, please contact Sankofa immediately:
Telephone: 202.257.4364 or
Email: |